Important Letter from the Chairman
Important Letter from the Chairman
Dear Members,
On behalf of the General Committee and management, I would like to express our sincere appreciation to members for your ongoing words of encouragement and continued support for the Club. This challenging period has particularly affected our dear and dedicated staff, whose livelihoods have been put under great strain. I would like to take this opportunity to update members on what has recently transpired at the Club, which has led to closure to prevent further COVID-19 spread on the premises.
As members are aware, RBSC and RBSC Polo Club are located in the center of red zone clusters in the city. We are surrounded by communities with a high number of positive cases, wherein several of our staff and non-salaried staff reside.
Based on these circumstances, we have undertaken measures to curb the situation and to support our staff with the intention of keeping them safe. When our staff are healthy, then we may confidently reopen the Club to members with a greater sense of well-being for all.
1. As the number of COVID-19 positive staff has increased in serveral areas, particularly in the Sports Department and Food & Beverage services, we have investigated their timelines and managed to identify all relevant staff to quarantine themselves and undergo COVID-19 tests.
2. Other Divisions and Departments have managed to have their at-risk staff or close contact individuals to test for COVID-19 (see infographic). The Club has also taken steps to arrange a mobile test unit at the Club next week to provide for more staff. This mobile unit will also extend service to members as well. More updates on these details will be provided soon.

3. All areas of RBSC & Polo Club have continued to be thoroughly sanitized and disinfected according to protocol (see images).

As we understand that many members look forward to the reopening of the Club, we continue to closely monitor the situation. Finally, I would like to ask that members continue to stay vigilant in the meantime, and we hope everyone remains safe and isolated until conditions improve.
For any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us at any available channels below:
Khun Parena Neovakul 080 163 4578
RBSC Line Official